Reinventing Organizations, by Frederic Laloux. Includes information about the Buurtzorg home care approach. Description
The Green House Project The best known example of the household model, established by Dr. Bill Thomas. See also:
New Data: COVID-19 & Green House Homes - A new study of corona virus for May 2020 shows remarkable difference in cases and deaths compared to the national US average for nursing homes.
SAGE (Society for the Advancement of Gerontological Environments) A collaboration of like-minded individuals with the common goal of improving physical environments for older adults.
Senior Living Foresight An informative website by Steve Moran, dedicated to all aspects of senior living.
Buurtzorg The internationally renowned neighbourhood home care organization in the Netherlands. Its motto is: Humanity over Bureaucracy.
The Eden Alternative Dedicated to improving the well-being of older adults by eliminating loneliness, helplessness, and boredom.
De Hogeweyk. The renowned facility in the Netherlands that provides care for older adults with severe and extreme dementia.